Richmond Graphic Products

Richmond Graphic Products


THE SOLARBEAM bulb is "FDA Approved"
and used in all our exposure systems


SolarBeam is the most advanced metal halide lamp technology. We asked GE if they could build a lamp for us that would place a metal halide point light source inside of a sealed beam. We asked GE for a bulb system that would be similar in concept to their industry-leading stadium, flood lampand theatrical lighting. We wanted a focused light that did not require a reflector. We also asked GE for a bulb that was powerful and safe. We asked GE for a metal halide bulb that the screen printer could handle without gloves, that would last longer and outperform the open arc tube metal halide lamps that had been in the marketplace forever. Two years later, GE the company that says "we bring good things to life" handed us the superb SolarBeam lamp that is advanced in every way over any other bulb manufactured for screen exposure.

Key Benefits:

  • No other metal halide lamp is focused through a computer generated prismatic lens.
  • No other metal halide lamp combines three halides on one blub format - gallium, iron, and mercury.
  • No other metal halide lamp uses so little eneregy to produce so much concentrated UV.
  • No other metal halide lamp produces consistent high resolution screens with quality half tone dots and sharp lines.
  • No other metal halide lamp is warrented for six(6) months and lasts, on average, for over two years.
  • No other metal halide exposure system carries a comprehensive two(2) year limited warrenty.
Model Watts
SolarBeam SBL-2 7000w
SolarBeam SBL-4 10000w


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Tel:(514)745-3446 or 1-800-263-1173

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